What will your life look like in 10 years if you keep it the status quo? What dreams won't have been realized? What relationship will you miss out on? Who will have left your life? Will you still just be getting by? Will you still think that it is your environment rather than your mindset that determines the quality of your life? Will you still be letting other people make decisions for you? Will ...you still be living your life wondering, "what if"? Today is the day my friends; today is the day to draw a line in the sand and say NO MORE! What B/S thought have you let hold you back? What have other people in your life told you about what's possible - and you believed in? What victim story are you still telling? What story are you telling yourself about your life that you no longer want to believe? What part of the past pain is still living in your heart not able to see love when it's standing right in front of you? What unchecked pain is taking up that part of y...
Vision for our Loving Community. We gather to awaken hearts to unconditional Love and to transform lives. www.meetup.com/loving-groups Through our loving groups we've experienced deep changes in the way we see and love ourselves, our partners, families, co-workers and friends. There are on-going opportunities to help you deepen your experience of Unconditional Love. Sharon 602-405-0144