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Showing posts from December, 2015

High Heel Foot Prints

  High Heel Foot Prints I met an older Polish woman in a blood lab of all places.  I was waiting to get some blood drawn.  She was very elegant, although her body had clearly shown signs of the years gone by.  Much as you can imagine by the image shown here.  Her whole body was failing her.  She had on very fashionable clothes with a glitzy hair comb in her hair.  You could tell that she tool a lot of pride in her looks as her make up was applied with great care.  He outfit was stunning.  She walked with a cane and sat down across the room from me.  I noticed that she kept staring at me.  I was dressed up with makeup on and in high heels, a long skirt and a top that made me look very curvy and classy.  I was reading a magazine and she whispered to me, "miss, are very beautiful, so beautiful".   I thanked her and moved across the room to speak to her.  I sat next to her and she admired my high heels and told me stories about how she used to have