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Showing posts from July, 2010

Live with it and like it!

Trying to change someone is a waste of time. The very thought of changing someone is saying that they are not good enough as they are, and it is soaked with judgment and disapproval. That is not a thought of appreciation or love, and those thoughts will only bring separation between you and that person. You must look for the good in people to have more of it appear. As you look only for the good things in a person, you will be amazed at what your new focus reveals.

Pulling over to a gas station! It's all about focus!

Pulling over to a gas station! “People talk about the reality of their life as if it is important. And we want you to understand, it’s only the temporary indicator. Do you go to the gas station-your gas gauge is on empty-do you go to the gas station and look at your gas gauge in horror? “How did this happen? Why, why, why did this happen to me?” Do you lay your head on the steering wheel and just sob? “Oh, look what it’s come to. I’m finished. I’ve lived all of this life, and look where I am.” Or do you just fill up.” ~ Esther & Jerry Hicks from the Law of Attraction Our emotions are our indicators. It is an indicator that we will stay in the same place as long as we hold on to those lies (focus on what is today). Do we have a bad feeling, even sometimes unidentifiable? Pull over to a gas station and trust the process........ tap in to source energy...make a real love phone call....for a phone call list of volunteers who will teach and guide you .....   swinningham@...

Greg Talks about one kind of love that matters.

Greg Baer.......... Imagine that I tell you I love you. I smile at you, speak kind words to you, and perhaps even present you with a gift of some kind. Understandably, you enjoy this, as we all would. Five minutes later, however, I storm into the room describing a mistake that has been made, and while shaking my finger in your face and scowling with rage I say, “Are you the one who did this?!” How loved do you feel now? That feeling disappeared the moment I entered the room, didn’t it? We’ve all experienced moments like this. For most of us, in fact, this has been a lifelong pattern. This kind of “love” is very disappointing and unfulfilling, because it vanishes when we make mistakes and when we fail to meet the expectations of those who “love” us. This kind of “love” is conditional. There’s only one kind of love that can fill us up, make us whole, and give us the happiness we all want: unconditional love or true love. It is unconditional love or true love that we all seek, and som...

Wise men speak out on Love!

Can a person feel loved by incoming calls? Yes, it is possible to feel someone's love via a phone message. Imagine how you would feel, for example if you heard this message on your voicemail: "Hi, Sharon! I was thinking about you at this very moment and wanted to express what a blessing you've been to me. Thanks for teaching and showing me RL." But your heart is open to such expressions of love, gratitude and appreciation. You can recognize happiness when you see or hear it. You're accepting of the nature of love, its power to heal your own life, and the peace it can bring. Someone with a pride-filled and hardened heart, however, won't feel anyone's love for as long as they choose to push it away regardless of the medium. Persistent attempts to smother the hard-hearted with "love" only hardens their resolve to be 'right' because fundamentally we are refusing to accept their choice in that moment to refuse love. Our constant effo...

Saying "I am sorry"

It's inevitable that we will hurt each other.   It's a part of the human experience.  We are not perfect and we will make mistakes that cause others to hurt and other's will hurt us. This is a real opportunity for us to learn in these moments.  When someone does something to cause us discomfort or pain, we can look at our level of reaction and use this as a learning tool to evaluate our own level of happiness.  If we react really badly then it's a sign that we really are needing more unconditional love in our own life.  We can then look at what we could do differently to gain the fullness we need. We can also evaluate the other person for signs of fullness or emptiness and gauge how close we should really be with them intimately according to our own capacity to be loving also.  It is an ever fluctuating dynamic but a great tool to "see" ourselves and others and to potentially learn and make better decisions.  When we hurt someone and feel regret ...