A General Theory Of Love reveals that humans require social connection for optimal brain development, and that babies cared for in a loving environment are psychological and neurologically ‘immunized’ by love. When things get difficult in adult life, the neural wiring developed from a love-filled childhood leads to increased emotional resilience in adult life. Conversely, those who grow up in an environment where loving care is unstable or absent are less likely to be resilie nt in the face of emotional distress. When two parents are not on the same page and children don’t have a sense of predictability, a routine they can depend on then they feel a sense of insecurity and anxiety will grow. If one parent is the playful one allowing fun and excitement and only occasionally as that parent is absent often, then they learn to desire that as an addiction. They want the imitation love of fun and excitement over the parent who may be trying to create the sense of real safety ...
Vision for our Loving Community. We gather to awaken hearts to unconditional Love and to transform lives. www.meetup.com/loving-groups Through our loving groups we've experienced deep changes in the way we see and love ourselves, our partners, families, co-workers and friends. There are on-going opportunities to help you deepen your experience of Unconditional Love. Sharon 602-405-0144