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  Gut- Wrenching Love   I just listened to Jason Mraz’s song “Love is Still the Answer”.   I cried.   My heart wept and my eyes did a lot of leaking.   My heart is open wide.     And I remembered love.   Big Love.    I witnessed in the video all kinds of crazy, romantic, sexy, creative God-like love of beaches, nature, clouds, baby’s feet, sharing, a wedding, Gay love, Straight love, love of our children, painting, yoga, music, dancing, playfulness, ice-skating, biking, ballet, fireworks , old age love…well, you get the gist.   You should watch.   You too will cry and remember that love is still the answer.   I am here to share that there was a moment in my life when I chose a different kind of love.   It’s the kind of love that is gut wrenching.   It’s the kind of love that you have to dig down deep into your worn torn heart and find the courage to do the right thing, to choose love.   November befo...
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