Mass shootings and Facebook
Why bother when we just keep fighting? Isn't there a lesson in there somewhere? Duh?
What is the purpose of staying "in the conversation"? Collectively, If we are in the mind frame of wanting more goodness to emerge then being in the conversation may help us in our collective consciousness find the answers together. If we can get past the emotional REACTIONS to just hearing and having curiosity for others opinions, we can find similarities and answers. We are all wanting peace,safety and security for all.
If we will just stop the hatred in the conversation and actually have more curiosity for what the other is saying we just might find answers vs conflict. Take a check on yourself while you are posting. Do you just want a fight or do you really want real solutions? Being at war never really served anyone.
But remember one thing, if you grew up fighting for your good and never consciously wanted to change that and rewire your brain for peacefulness, getting your good through fighting will always leave someone wounded.