It's been coming up allot lately in all my conversations with Real Love clients and other wise people AND personally for me.
We, the smart people of the world, use our intellect to be strong and powerful. What an illusion this is. The power piece can be used to deflect the REAL LOVE we need and deserve in situations.
Strong people can take allot, but are they really getting the love they need in times of vulnerability or do they stay strong to keep up the facade.
There is a real truth to all of us and that is that we are powerful and also vulnerable. There is not one without the other. But if all we show is the power side to protect ourselves, then every time we need love we never let it in.
So powerful creators vs vulnerable people. There is not conflict here.
Both are elements of the whole. We are both. We can have it all. We can be powerful and vulnerable. We have both of those in the WHOLENESS of who we are. We cannot deny that at times we are like frightened kids that need love.
So look back at your life and remember times when you were made wrong for "Feeling", wrong for exposing the truth about yourself, the times when other's coiled up in their own pain and said they couldn't be with yours. OUCH. Boy that is real. Ask yourself did anyone ever make you wrong for the whole of who you are.
We can't find love and support with out showing both sides. We cannot feel free unless we have courage to embrace both parts.
Yes courage. Look at situations in your life when you said no one cared for me, no one came to my aid, no one nurtured me. Are there times when it may have been possible if you did not have fear of being turned down or made wrong? Could there have been people who really would have been there if they actually could see you needed them?
Powerful and vulnerable. Embrace the whole of who you are.
I love you, Sharon