Over the years I have seen trends that occur over and over. People read the real love book and like the principles, but without practice nothing changes. This practice is vital. We cannot change unless we find more love for ourselves. That takes "truth>seen>accepted>love. This takes practice. Most people believe they are very "truthful". As Greg points out, truthful about other's is not the way to find love for ourselves.
I grew up being taught an emotional language that was very dysfunctional. I will call it "English". I learned a new language with real love practice. I will call it "Spanish".
Reading the Real Love book is like reading a book that tells us about "Spanish". I could not learn the language by reading about it.
This is a really hard way to learn a new language. I have actually, for many years and after many attempts of study and practice to learn the real language of Spanish, learned that unless I am immersed in the language, I could not retain it. So it is with this new emotional language of Real Love.
So I watch people try to practice and learn Real Love. Some make a call every once in a while or go to a group occasionally. This is like taking a weekend trip to Mexico and conversing with the shop owners and cafe owners and expecting to be proficient in the language. It never worked for me.
I realized that I needed to move to Spain and immerse myself in this new language to learn it.
As I moved to Spain, I began to learn that there was a whole new world, a culture that I had never experienced. I found that in Spain there were loving people who were happy joyous and free. I decided to stay.
I found, in that journey, that my son was miserable with moving there. He went kicking and screaming. I was taking him out of everything he had ever known. I told him he would leave behind everything he knew, his high school, his friends and he would be immersed into a whole new culture that was foreign to him. It would be normal that he would resist. Metaphorically, I was dragging him to Spain. He was not a happy camper. He told me I was stupid and he wanted to go back home.
But as we stayed longer and longer in Spain, he got more comfortable as he saw that the language was one that served his happiness more and more. The people who loved him began to replace the old ones left behind. It took time but he learned Spanish. He is relatively fluent now.
I experience people having the same resistance. I see that the little girls and boys inside all of us, even when me make a choice to move, that they go kicking and screaming. The adult inside all of us have to keep making the daily decision to stay in Spain while the little kid inside screams for the old ways of English (imitation love).
So battled with the love ones who don't want to move and the little kids inside us who are kicking and screaming, (metaphorically moving to a new country and leaving "home" behind) it is not the easiest journey to take. But understanding that immersion is the only way you can really learn a new language, makes it much easier to get to the destination quicker. "Dabbling", as Greg puts it, is like listening to some CD's of the Spanish language in your car and expecting to be proficient in the new language and live in a happy "Spain".
Countless people come in to real love and they read the book.......
Never knowing what it is like to live in Spain.
Are you ready to move to Spain? Do you really want to change your life? Immersion is the key!
Love Sharon