Over the years I have seen trends that occur over and over. People read the real love book and like the principles, but without practice nothing changes. This practice is vital. We cannot change unless we find more love for ourselves. That takes "truth>seen>accepted>love. This takes practice. Most people believe they are very "truthful". As Greg points out, truthful about other's is not the way to find love for ourselves. I grew up being taught an emotional language that was very dysfunctional. I will call it "English". I learned a new language with real love practice. I will call it "Spanish". Reading the Real Love book is like reading a book that tells us about "Spanish". I could not learn the language by reading about it. This is a really hard way to learn a new language. I have actually, for many years and after many attempts of study and pr...
Vision for our Loving Community. We gather to awaken hearts to unconditional Love and to transform lives. www.meetup.com/loving-groups Through our loving groups we've experienced deep changes in the way we see and love ourselves, our partners, families, co-workers and friends. There are on-going opportunities to help you deepen your experience of Unconditional Love. Sharon 602-405-0144